What are freeskates?
Freeskates consist of two separate boards for each foot, beneath each are two wheels. It comes in a universal size that fits all, and can be carried in a standard backpack. Skating on it depends on the ability to balance and its unique pushing motion, taking a few days to learn it. The gear required for skating includes the Freeskates, closed shoes, body protection, and a helmet to prevent injuries, along with a smooth surface like a skatepark or a basketball court.
Freeskating has been around for about 20 years, with communities in the United States and East Asia and an annual international competition. The sport is still young and evolving, featuring unique tricks and skatepark skating. Freeskates come in several versions, including budget boards with a wooden deck, mid-range quality with aluminum boards, and a professional version distributed by JMKride, which is favored by freeskaters due to its quality and durability. The wheels have two profiles, flat and round, each with its own advantage. JMKride wheels are soft, while others come with harder wheels.
Why choose freeskates?
The freeskating experience is smooth and enjoyable, with a variety of unique tricks that provide challenges for both beginners and advanced skaters. Every time you step on them, the enjoyment is guaranteed. It's easy to get on and off quickly. Their compact size allows you to take them anywhere, and slightly more advanced skaters can skate in streets on surfaces that fit.
Where to buy
In my lessons you can try the freeskates before choosing to buy.
Low budget versions can be purchased on Amazon and AliExpress, but they are not recommended because they are difficult to balance on, push, and lack durability. JMKride freeskates can be purchased from their distributor in Europe, Twenty4action.
JMKride also has a YouTube channel with detailed explanations and examples of tricks.